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Illinois innovation index reveals good news

Illinois has experienced record growth in entrepreneurial activity at its universities according to the Illinois Science and Technology Coalition (ISTC), which released its Illinois Innovation

State Senate Kills Welfare Reform

A package of legislation aimed at cracking down on people abusing public aid, spearheaded by State Sen. Chapin Rose, was deep-sixed into subcommittee this week

Upcoming traveling office hours

  District staff from the office of State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) will host office hours in March throughout the district. Staff will be available

Budget update from the Capitol

On Feb. 28, the Senate took action on nearly half of the 13 pieces of legislation that are part of the Senate budget framework, passing

Farmers fret about mild temperatures

While many across the state are enjoying putting away their mittens and scarves, farmers are considering what Illinois’ mild winter means for this year’s farming

Senate Republicans look toward budget progress

In the days following Gov. Bruce Rauner’s annual budget address, Senate lawmakers once again returned their attention to negotiating a resolution to Illinois’ ongoing budget

Illinois falls short in overall well-being

Finding itself falling to the bottom of yet another state comparison ranking, Illinois ranked 34th nationally in well-being in a recently released report published by

Fighting heart disease

Illinois legislators, representatives from the state Department of Public Health, and health advocates gathered in Capitol Feb. 15 to spread awareness of the American Heart

Chapin Rose

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