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USS Illinois

History was in the making this week as lawmakers welcomed members of the crew and support group of the soon-to-be christened USS Illinois. The USS Illinois,

Fixing the Fiscal House

Getting the state’s fiscal house in order, including solving the current fiscal crisis, is a foundational step to restoring confidence in government and renewing the

Gov. Dan Walker: 1923 – 2015

This week also marked the passing of former Illinois Governor Dan Walker. Walker served as governor from 1973 to 1977. He was known as ‘Walkin’

NRI Scandal – Never Again

In 2010, just weeks before re-election, former Gov. Pat Quinn unveiled a $55 million program supposedly aimed at curbing violence in Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

“If you see something, say something” is the message of a video that Senate Republicans are sharing this month in their communities and on social

Chapin Rose

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