Latest News

Special election ‘muscled’ through

Senate and House Democrats used their legislative majorities to advance legislation (House Bill 4576) establishing a 2016 special election for the unexpired term of the

Troubled DCFS agency limps along

On Jan. 7 a joint panel of the Senate and House of Representatives met to hear nearly five hours of testimony based on a series

Meet the Buyers Event for Farmers

Farmers throughout Illinois are invited to attend a Meet the Buyers event to meet local and regional food buyers Feb. 3, 2015, from 9:00 a.m.

New eavesdropping law sent to Governor

Confusion surrounding a change in the state’s eavesdropping law has sparked controversy. However, Senate Bill 1342, which was recently sent to the Governor for consideration,

New Laws in 2015

On Jan. 1, 2015, more than 200 new laws will take effect in Illinois touching many areas of state government from education and public safety,

Chapin Rose

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