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Governor’s Opening Act on Jobs

Rauner signed an Executive Order Jan. 19 to increase hiring opportunities for minorities and veterans by first evaluating the existing level of job opportunities. The

Illinois Energy: Job Creation Awaits

According to a study conducted for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, the potential benefits of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” to extract oil and natural gas

Preparing for New Energy Jobs

Meanwhile, one downstate Illinois community college says it will offer a degree program beginning this fall to educate workers in preparation for the new job

More Food Stamps; Fewer Jobs

According to the Illinois Policy Institute, an independent research organization, Illinois ranked last among the 12 Midwest states in job creation during 2014. The IPI

Reducing Heroin Fatalities

Republican State Senator Michael Connelly is sponsoring legislation this spring to expand a suburban Chicago program that provides emergency medical care to prevent heroin drug

Rose appointed to Senate GOP leadership team

Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno today announced her leadership team for the 99th General Assembly. State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) will serve as the Senate

Brighter Days Ahead for Illinois

For over a decade, one-party rule has run our state into the ground and made us the brunt of late-night TV comedians’ jokes. Jobs have

Chapin Rose

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