Utility improvement measure signed into law
A bill to expand the time utility companies Ameren Illinois and Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) have to implement the state’s “smart grid” electrical improvement and modernization
A bill to expand the time utility companies Ameren Illinois and Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) have to implement the state’s “smart grid” electrical improvement and modernization
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is reminding small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small aquaculture businesses and private nonprofit organizations located in Illinois that May
Please click here to fill out a survey on the recently implemented Common Core educational standards and PARCC assessment testing. Senator Rose wants to know
To help people prepare for severe weather, IEMA has joined with the National Weather Service (NWS) and local emergency management agencies to increase awareness of
On March 30, Gov. Rauner announced that he is teaming with fitness expert Jake Steinfeld and his National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils to help
Moody’s Investors Service is reacting favorably to Gov. Rauner’s local government consolidation efforts, according to an article in The Bond Buyer. Gov. Rauner created the
Join State Sen. Jason Barickman and State Sen. Chapin Rose at a Common Core and PARCC Testing Townhall meeting in Normal on April 6. Senators
After weeks of negotiations, Gov. Rauner and legislative leaders agreed to a solution during the week to patch a massive $1.6 billion hole in the
A Chicago-based film studio has returned an eyebrow-raising $10 million grant after Gov. Rauner demanded its return. A Senate Republican lawmaker has requested the Attorney
Senate Republican leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) moved two health-related bills through the Executive Committee during the week. The Executive Committee approved Radogno’s Senate Bill 986,
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