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IDOT warns drivers to watch out for deer

Autumn means football and cooler weather, but IDOT is warning drivers that it also means mating season for Illinois deer, which brings a drastic increase

Illinois submits bid to land Amazon HQ2

The state’s official bid for a Chicago-area location for Amazon’s second headquarters was electronically submitted this week. The “HQ2” selection process has sent cities across

Honoring our Veterans

To help remember veterans, tell their incredible stories, and honor their legacy and sacrifice this upcoming Veterans Day, Illinois residents are encouraged to submit a

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, breast cancer is the second most common kind of

Investment to boost state’s economy

Southern Illinois, and the state, will benefit from $1.4 million in new investments by the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) that will boost regional infrastructure, the

Chapin Rose

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