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Rauner Says Budget is Immediate Concern

In a recent interview with the Illinois Radio Network (IRN), Governor Bruce Rauner continued to emphasize the severity of the budget problems facing Illinois. According

Medical Marijuana Licenses Delayed

A rocky transition between administrations is causing further delays in issuing medical marijuana licenses to patients. Under the 2013 state law legalizing medical marijuana in

Active Concealed Carry Licenses

Recently released numbers from the Illinois State Police give a county-by-county picture of active concealed carry licenses in the state of Illinois. Unsurprisingly, Cook County

Governor’s Opening Act on Jobs

Rauner signed an Executive Order Jan. 19 to increase hiring opportunities for minorities and veterans by first evaluating the existing level of job opportunities. The

Illinois Energy: Job Creation Awaits

According to a study conducted for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, the potential benefits of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” to extract oil and natural gas

Chapin Rose

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