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Bills signed into law

Gov. Rauner took action on a number of bills during the week. A complete list is available on the Senate Action page of the Senate

State Museum Hearing

Also during the week, the Legislature’s bipartisan Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CoGFA) held a hearing about the possibility of closing the Illinois State

Bills Signed Into Law

Gov. Rauner took action on a number of bills during the week, including the signing of several bills: Powdered Caffeine Prohibition (Senate Bill 9): Prohibits

New Report on Illinois Food Stamp Aid

A number of economic realities are evidence that a turnaround is needed. Illinois’ economic recovery from the 2008 recession trails the nation, the unemployment rate

Bogus Budget

The Senate Democrats also took action to override five of the 20 budget vetoes issued by the Governor last month. The majority admittedly passed a

Reform Illinois and End Budget Crisis

Reform Illinois and End Budget Crisis Getting Illinois’ fiscal house in order goes hand-in-hand with making government more efficient and revitalizing the state’s economy, which

Memorial service and highway dedication to honor Tommy Martin

Memorial service and highway dedication to honor Tommy Martin WHO:             State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet)                         State Rep. Adam Brown (R-Champaign)                         Douglas County Sheriff

Chapin Rose

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