Mahomet Aquifer Jeopardized After Pritzker Administration Ignores Bipartisan Letter to Protect Local Water Supply from CO2 Storage Threat

Springfield, IL– A bipartisan group of local legislators, including State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet), sent a letter to the Governor Pritzker to protect a part of the Mahomet Aquifer from so called “carbon capture” storage under it. Governor JB Pritzker’s administration had been conducting negotiations regarding the statewide storage of carbon (“CO2”) below ground in Illinois, or so-called “carbon sequestration.”  However, the final deal on carbon sequestration cut by Governor Pritzker failed to include a ban on CO2 storage under the Mahomet Aquifer.

“The potential for leakage of injected and stored CO2 into our local water presents a clear danger. A threat which should be obvious given the earlier leakage of methane into the Mahomet Aquifer by the People’s Gas company.  Given that history, why would any rational person think it is a good idea to take on the additional risk of storing more poison under our water?” questioned Sen. Rose.  “But that is the deal that Gov. Pritzker cut,” he continued.

The Mahomet Aquifer is a critical resource for central Illinois and is designated as a “Sole Source Aquifer” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the EPA, less than 50% of the population in the Mahomet Aquifer service area would be able to find an economically feasible alternate source of water should the Aquifer become contaminated.

The interaction between CO2 and the aquifer’s water can produce carbonic acid, which alters the water’s chemistry. This change can mobilize dormant contaminants, including dangerous heavy metals like arsenic, leading to significant health hazards.

“It amazes me that Governor Pritzker, who has claimed time and again to care about the environment, is now okay with storing this poison under our water supply,” said Sen. Rose “The Mahomet Aquifer is our most precious natural resource in central Illinois. He needs to quit playing footsy with the pipeline companies, realize this is a mistake, and veto this bill”.

Sen. Rose encouraged the public to call and email the Gov’s office demanding that he veto this bill.  The bill is SB 1289 and he can be reached at 217-782-0244. SB 1289 has now passed both chambers of the General Assembly and is on its’ way to the Governor’s desk for his signature – time is of the essence for citizens to call and demand that the Mahomet Aquifer be protected.

Editor’s Note: a copy of the referenced letter signed by the bi-partisan coalition of legislator’s demanding that a permanent ban on sequestration over and under the Mahomet aquifer be included in the final package is attached and may also be found at


Chapin Rose

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