Review of ‘Common Core’

As educators across Illinois prepare to begin administering the federal “Common Core” assessment tests, a Senate Resolution encourages the State Board of Education to opt out of the Common Core State Standards until a thorough review of associated costs can be conducted. Senate Resolution 89 also advances the creation of a state plan identifying how to provide the funding necessary for school districts to comply with the controversial new Common Core standards.

The Common Core State Standards will make dramatic changes in the educational standards for Illinois students. Many school districts have expressed concerns relating to the costs associated with administering the online-standards testing, which require specific infrastructure and technological upgrades, as well as the cost of the new textbooks needed to teach the Common Core curriculum.

Although 45 states opted into the Common Core State Standards Initiative in 2010, since that time three states have opted out of Common Core, while dozens more are considering legislation that would repeal their involvement. Additionally, seven Governors have opted to use their executive authority to alter, reduce or delay use of Common Core in their state.

Senate Resolution 89 would put the brakes on implementation of the Common Core standards until a more in-depth review can be completed.

Chapin Rose

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