Senator Rose Reacts to Governor Pritzker’s New Budget Proposal

Springfield, IL–State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) issued the following statement regarding Governor JB Pritzker’s budget address:
“Pritzker has a spending problem. Since Governor Pritzker took office, the budget has skyrocketed by nearly $15 billion, a staggering 37% increase. Think about that. How many people have had a paycheck at home that has gone up 37% in just a few couple years?
“Year after year Governor Pritzker has blown up the state budget. Illinoisians simply cannot keep up, and instead of making responsible choices, the Governor is looking to taxpayers to bail him out, all while continuing to provide free healthcare for illegal immigrants.
“Enough is enough. The people of Illinois deserve better. They deserve responsible budgeting, fiscal transparency, and policies that put them first, not political ambition.”
Below is an image of Senator Rose during his reaction speech after the Governor’s budget address. You can also view a video of him speaking here.