Sen. Rose’ s Statement on Central IL Receiving $51 million for Biomanufacturing Tech Hubs

Springfield, IL–State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) released the following statement regarding iFAB awarding $51 million EDA Tech Hubs grant to propel central Illinois as a biomanufacturing leader.

“Super excited to learn that $51 million was dedicated to biomanufacturing in our state. This type of commitment is exactly in line with the U of I President Bob Easter’s forward-looking vision for what the Illinois Bioprocessing Research Lab (“IBRL”) could mean to Illinois. His vision was an “easy sell” when he brought it to me a decade ago to champion finding the money to build it in the legislature’s capital program process. The IBRL is the University of Illinois’ bioprocessing research facility, which is a critical component of what iFAB has to offer. Moreover, this is exactly what I envisioned all those years ago when I put the Champaign and Decatur Chambers of Commerce and their Economic Development Corporations together in the same room to brainstorm what a connected I-72 Corridor could become. Nowhere else in the world do we have the production and shipping capabilities of Decatur with ADM, Tate & Lyle, and the Midwest Inland Port’s 3 class 1 railroads, plus the brain power of the University of Illinois and the best farm ground anywhere in the world right in between!  We have something right here in central Illinois that, truly, no one else, anywhere on the planet, can offer – and today’s $51 million grant proves it! My hats off to all those who made this happen, and here’s to many more to come!”

Read more here:

Chapin Rose

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