Rose Urges Full Fireworks Legalization

As Independence Day celebrations are wrapping up, Illinois remains an outlier in terms of what residents are allowed to purchase and use for fireworks displays. State Senator Chapin Rose is urging the Illinois legislature to expand what fireworks are allowed to be sold in-state.

“All of our surrounding states are making a mint off of Illinois residents buying fireworks,” said Senator Rose. “When are the Democrats that run this state going to get with the program and stop forcing Illinoisians’ to leave Illinois to celebrate our nation’s birth?”

Senator Rose has filed and supported numerous bills in the past to allow most consumer fireworks to be sold in Illinois.

“It is absolutely ridiculous that Illinoisians are once again putting other states’ people to work, paying taxes in other states, and growing the economies of other states, all because the ‘nanny-state’ crowd just can’t figure out what the 4th of July is all about in the first place: LIBERTY!” Rose concluded.

Chapin Rose

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