Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) released the following statement following the Governor’s budget address:
“Our state’s finances are a mess. Rather than reality, we got gimmicks dreamed up in an alternate universe than the one Illinoisans have to live in. Who uses their Discover card to pay their Visa bill, anyway? That is what Governor Pritzker is doing with the current-year budget. And in the next budget year, removing the pension payment from the operating expenses of the state to pretend that operating expenses aren’t increasing – isn’t reality either. Nor is using $1.7 billion in assumptions that require federal or state legislative approval – this is the same junk that past governors of both parties have been roundly criticized for doing. Look, budgeting isn’t an easy job, and I don’t envy his position, but we can’t keep driving down the same broken road expecting better results. Speaking of ‘roads’ did I mention his ‘road fund diversions?” Again, thumbing his nose at the will of the people of Illinois who rightly instituted a “lockbox” constitutional amendment to protect road funding. He can say, ‘all is well’ but the people of Illinois know better and will not be fooled by today’s speech – just like they weren’t fooled by Pritzker’s progressive tax increase idea.”