Rose votes against bailout of Chicago Public Schools, Democrats in Senate take money away from downstate schools

Springfield, IL – State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) issued the following statement in response to Senate Democrats overriding Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Amendatory Veto of Senate Bill 1, education funding reform:

“First it was a massive tax hike on the backs of every working Illinoisan, now it’s a bailout of Chicago Public Schools that takes money away from our local schools. Where does it end?

“The State Board of Education’s independent analysis released Saturday proves that a better path forward exists for 98 percent of schools in Illinois. Make no mistake, any vote in supporting the override is a vote to bailout Chicago Public Schools’ ineptness on the backs of our local school children, our local teachers, and our local property taxpayers.

“I absolutely maintain that a negotiated, bi-partisan solution can be better than this and the numbers now prove it.

“Let me be clear, overriding Senate Bill 1 takes more than $7 million of new dollars that should be going to the schools and students in the 51st Senate District, and instead sends it to Chicago.”

Chapin Rose